
Analytics Made Easy

Analytics Designed for SME’s

Working with Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s) as well as running our own business teaches you a few things including:

  • Time and resources are in short supply
  • The focus is on sales
  • Time and knowledge to setup analytics is not always prioritised
  • Analytics is seen as something that is hard to grasp

With that in mind the idea for 101-funnel was born. The technology has been used for many years in other environments such as mobile network operators in 25 countries, so it is tried and tested.

Applying it to provide a simple yet powerful analytics product has been quite a challenge. The beta has been two years in the making, that is after all the technology was working.

We found that it is a bit like editing a book, the more you work on it the more compact and better you can make it. The current version is timed down from  the beta.

And also, to provide a FREE version that is of the same value as what you find others charging for.

So for all users it is provided on a FREE for life basis.

We look forward to seeing you use our analytics product soon,

The 101-funnel Team

We have some guiding principles:

  • It has to be be easy to use
  • It has to be easy to draw conclusions
  • It has to be accurate
  • It has to provide value for businesses and help guide their actions to drive more sales.

This may seem straight forward enough but it is quite a challenge as providing detail and yet keeping it simple is not easy.

Channel Attribution

Attribute your Traffic Engagement per channel

Traffic Engagement

A barometer of your website traffic

Channel Engagement

See how Engaged your website traffic is per channel

Conversion Measures

Check your conversions per channel
